How to open a Fiverr account.

To create an account on Fiver:

  1. From the homepage of, click on the Join button.

2. Enter your email address in the Join Fiverr option and click Continue.

Note: You can also join with Facebook, Google Connect and Apple Connect.

3. Enter your username!

Note: Once you have successfully created your account, your username cannot be changed. Your username will be displayed as your name (and will be in your Fiverr URL), so choose your username carefully!

Select your password and click Join.

You are now registered on Fiverr! Check your registered email address as you will receive an email to activate your account. There will be a link.

  1. In the activation email you received from Fiverr, click on the link to activate your account.

Once you have successfully created your account, based on the instructions above, you will be able to activate your seller account. You will sell your services through this account.

To activate your seller account:

  • Click on your profile picture and select Become a Seller from the dropdown menu.
  • You click on Become a Seller again to start the onboarding process on the next page.
  • Once you’re done watching the videos on the next page, you’ll be given Fiverr tips that clearly tell you what to do as a seller and create a successful Fiverr profile. Then click on Continue.

This page will give you an idea of ​​what can and cannot be done on Fiver. Click on Continue.

  • On this page complete the mandatory fields (blanks marked with a red asterisk). Be sure to complete your onboarding using only true and accurate information about your skills, work experience, and expertise.

Remember: The more accurate and detailed the information you add, the better your seller profile will be.

  • Next, you can link your account to other social media channels. Like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Note: The more time you spend decorating your profile, the more likely you will be accepted and the more likely you will get work.
  • You will verify your phone number at the end of the onboarding process.

At the end of the day, your job is to create your first gig offering your services, as a seller on Fiverr!

If you want to learn how to make a gig properly, let me know in the comment box below.